It has been mentioned, that the forest is a complex, fragile ecosystem, governed by its own laws. This ecosystem which combines plants, fungi, animals and micro-organisms affects the climate of our planet, the quality of drinking water, the food we grow and eat and the air we breathe.
Deforestation and tree loss are mainly caused by us and our activities. People cut down trees for lots of reasons – to make space for new constructions, the mining and drilling industries, agriculture or livestock grazing etc. The human population is constantly growing, acquiring new territories for building houses, new schools, hospitals etc. There are also natural causes of tree loss, like wildfires or floods. Due to global warming, this natural way of deforestation increased rapidly over the past years.
Wildfires as one of the biggest natural causes of deforestation
The fires that happen around the world now are unlike the fires that happened 50-60 years ago. Today’s wildfires are burning faster and hotter than ever before. The particular areas constantly suffer a subsequent catastrophic wildfire before recovering from an earlier wildfire. And this practice is becoming more common every day. In 2022 thousands of people were forced to evacuate, and lost their homes and even lives due to massive wildfires. Hundreds more died from the extreme heat, this year was extreme. At least seven European countries’ capitals reached 40-year highs in temperature this year. And let’s not forget about the wildlife species that are endangered.
And while the forest is a renewable resource, the intensity of deforestation in the modern world is not commensurate with the rate of its renewal and large areas turn into deserts.
Dangers of deforestation
Clearly, deforestation has its effects on the Environment and clearly, these effects are negative. Some are more severe than others. So, let’s see what common dangers bring us deforestation:
- Air pollution. Forests are essential to clean air. Through photosynthesis, the leaves of trees take in carbon dioxide and water, the sun’s energy converts these materials into nutrients and as a result, we get oxygen. One large tree can produce as much as a day’s supply of oxygen for four people. So if you take one large tree out, you get less oxygen.
- Threats to the creation of medicines. Forests and plants are a huge source of medicine and medical supplies. Only during the COVID-19 pandemic people were using tons of paper towels, sanitizers, toilet paper, masks and medical workers’ clothing etc. – all had forest products in them.
- Soil erosion. Soil erosion has terrible effects on the environment, including the loss of fertile land and crops, which can lead to more disastrous consequences, like world hunger. Areas with high soil erosion are also more vulnerable to flooding, water pollution and other disasters.
- Loss of habitat and greenhouse gases. Deforestation leads to the loss of animal and plant species. And in addition to the loss of habitat, the lack of trees also allows a greater amount of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere.

These are the main but not all of the dangers deforestation can get us. The dangers of climate change, air pollution, deforestation, and others are constantly growing and affecting our future. In 2021 the French supermarket giant Casino was sued by a coalition of NGOs over its sale of beef linked to illegal deforestation in the Amazon. It was the first time a French supermarket chain has legally pursued deforestation under the 2017 duty of vigilance laws requiring French companies worldwide to guard against human rights and environmental violations in their supply chains.
NGOs all over the world are fighting against big corporations that ignore the dangers of destroying our natural resources, which can lead humanity to catastrophe. There are also big corporations, small and private businesses, online casinos and bookmaker companies, celebrities etc., that are actively helping to decrease the dangers of Environmental problems and fighting against Global Warming.
You are also able to help decrease deforestation as a consumer. Just like in any other business, if there’s no demand, then the supply will be lessened. You can also help by buying recycled products, buying only the things you really need and will use. Talk to your friends and community, and let them also be aware of the dangers of deforestation. Try not to use palm oil. Plant a tree. Be conscious about consuming products.